A network of episcopal handbooks

Today I wrote a new blog post for the ‘Post-imperial priests’-project, where I delve deeper into a network of episcopal handbooks. After working on the manuscript Troyes, MJC, Ms. 1979 for a while, I noticed that there are various other manuscripts with comparable contents from the same period. In the coming months, I will examine this network further to hopefully know more about tenth-century bishops and their priests. The blog post can be seen as a first step in that direction....

July 15, 2022 · 1 min · Bastiaan

How diocesan synods helped priests to stay sharp

Building on my last post for the ‘Post-imperial priests’-project, I have written a new entry for the blog. This time I’m looking into the organization of local synods in the tenth and eleventh century and how priests were examined at these events. The manuscript I’m using is Troyes, MJC, Ms. 1979. Read the blog entry here.

November 1, 2021 · 1 min · Bastiaan

Chapter: Priests, pastoral compendia and the laity in the Carolingian local church

It came a bit as a surprise, but I’ve been able to publish my first article! In the bundle Kleriker und Laien. Verfestigung und Verflüssigung einer Grenze im Mittelalter edited by Jonathan Reinert and Volker Leppin you’ll find an article by me (pp. 17-35) on a priest’s book. It’s titled ‘Priests, pastoral compendia and the laity in the Carolingian local church: The case of Sélestat, Bibliothèque humaniste, Ms. 132’ and is a byproduct of the research I did for my dissertation but was unable to fit in....

July 4, 2021 · 1 min · Bastiaan

What local priests were supposed to know

On the blog of the ‘Post-imperial priests’-project, I wrote a short post on my most recent research questions. The post is about Atto of Vercelli’s (ca. 885-957/8) episcopal statutes and what kind of knowledge he expected his priests to have. Read it here.

May 31, 2021 · 1 min · Bastiaan

Review: Gaëlle Calvet-Marcadé, Assassin des pauvres. L’Église et l’inaliénabilité des terres à l’époque carolingienne (2018)

Recently, I’ve written a review of Gaëlle Calvet-Marcadé’s book Assassin des pauvres. L’Église et l’inaliénabilité des terres à l’époque carolingienne for Francia Recensio. An interesting read for those working on early medieval intellectual history. You can read the review here.

May 7, 2021 · 1 min · Bastiaan