Online manuscript research

Doing online manuscript research is not that difficult, if you know where to look. In this short overview, I will present some of the most useful websites for doing such a task. The information we are looking for requires little prior knowledge. Still, it might be useful to have some basic understanding of codicology and palaeography when looking at scans. For that purpose, I recommend reading the first chapter (esp. pp....

April 29, 2021 · 5 min · Bastiaan

Pastoral manuscripts: a list

An Airtable (wait a few seconds for it to load) with manuscripts that I found during my research. All manuscripts are from the 10-12th c. and contain at least one text that can be characterized as ‘pastoral’. Selecting a manuscript will display additional notes with the relevant texts. To the search the full table click here. I want to use this list for a project that I will start in April at the Universität Tübingen....

February 22, 2021 · 1 min · Bastiaan

Summary dissertation

Pastoral works. Priests, books and compilative practices in the Carolingian period Download a pdf-version here. Priests are the main subject of this dissertation; clergymen who served communities of laypeople via local churches where they provided them with pastoral care. By examining the books they used for this purpose, we can get a glimpse of what early medieval Christianity and life in a rural context looked like. The dissertation’s main question is how these books can be instrumentalized and what kind of knowledge this yields....

November 27, 2020 · 11 min · Bastiaan

Samenvatting proefschrift

Pastorale werken. Priesters, boeken en compilatieve praktijken in de Karolingische periode Download een pdf-versie hier. Het hoofdonderwerp van dit proefschrift zijn priesters; geestelijken die gemeenschappen van leken via lokale kerken voorzagen van pastorale zorg. Door de boeken die zij hiervoor gebruikten te onderzoeken kunnen we een glimp opvangen van hoe het vroegmiddeleeuwse Christendom en het leven in een plattelandsdorp eruitzag. Centraal in dit proefschrift staat de vraag hoe deze boeken hiervoor te gebruiken zijn en welke kennis dit oplevert....

November 26, 2020 · 13 min · Bastiaan

About this blog

I started this blog towards the end of 2020 after I handed in my dissertation on priests, books and compilatory practices in the Carolingian period.1 It was initially intended as an online space to store (unfinished) ideas for future research projects. Over time, however, I started to use the blog more as a channel to communicate my academic publications and participation in various projects. Additionally, it has played a substantial role in my teaching as a way to present large swaths of information in a somewhat orderly fashion....

November 20, 2020 · 2 min · Bastiaan