What local priests were supposed to know

On the blog of the ‘Post-imperial priests’-project, I wrote a short post on my most recent research questions. The post is about Atto of Vercelli’s (ca. 885-957/8) episcopal statutes and what kind of knowledge he expected his priests to have. Read it here.

May 31, 2021 · 1 min · Bastiaan

Summary dissertation

Pastoral works. Priests, books and compilative practices in the Carolingian period Download a pdf-version here. Priests are the main subject of this dissertation; clergymen that served communities of laypeople via local churches where they provided them with pastoral care. By examining the books they used for this purpose, we can get a glimpse of what early medieval Christianity and life in a rural context looked like. The dissertation’s main question is how these books can be instrumentalized and what kind of knowledge this yields....

November 27, 2020 · 11 min · Bastiaan